EP225 Celebrating 4 Years of Young Money

Today, we are celebrating four years of Young Money! Together we have created 225 episodes, we are listened to in over 40 countries, and we have surpassed 200,000 downloads. It is my privilege to create fun, educational content and to host amazing guests to inspire you along your financial fitness journey. In this episode, I will be sharing the top five things I have learned throughout my time podcasting, as well as how these findings relate to finances.

Listen in to learn the importance of focusing on what matters most to you, why you should always get your information from a credible source, and how to know when is the right time to start your financial fitness journey. Whether today is the first day you are tuning in to check out the show or you have been a loyal listener since the beginning, I am so happy you are here.

“I believe that financial fitness (aka financial literacy) is a fundamental life skill.” – Tracey Bissett

This Week on Young Money:

  • Why I believe financial education is a fundamental life skill.
  • The importance of taking small, consistent actions toward your financial goals.
  • Why you should ask questions around finances if there is something you don’t understand.
  • How to get proper professional advice if you are new to the financial world.
  • Why it’s crucial to get your financial advice from a credible source.

Key takeaways:

  1. Ask questions.
  2. Be consistent.
  3. Seek professional advice.
  4. Take care of yourself.
  5. Think critically.

Young Money Listener Contest

We are celebrating four years of Young Money! So, if you love the Young Money podcast, show us by leaving a review on apple podcasts. Share your review with us on social media and tag us or send a pic through in the DMs.

For every review left for the Young Money podcast, you will be entered into a draw to win a book of your choice from one of our fabulous guests to help you on your financial fitness journey. There will be winners weekly so review away!

Contest closes January 31st!

Not sure how to leave a review, check out the instructions here.

Resources Mentioned:

Rate, Share & Inspire Other Young Millionaires-in-the-Making 

Thanks for tuning into the Young Money Podcast – the advice show for young millionaires-in-the-making! If you enjoyed this week’s episode, head over to Apple Podcasts and leave us a rating and review. Visit our website to learn how easy it is to leave a review on Apple Podcasts.

Don’t forget to share your favorite episodes on social media! 

Follow the Young Money Podcast on iTunes so you never miss an episode and reach out to us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, our LinkedIn Company Page, or by visiting our website.

Check out this episode!

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